Monday, February 25, 2008


I am starting anew, i have scoured my blog, and will now attempt to actually write on it... not just whine.

Senoritis has utterly overwhelmed me. I have never had much ability to motivate myself into doing anything related to school work, and I fear any self discipline i may have once had, has now left me. High school is like a horribly confusing, creepy, slasher movie: it feels like it will never end; you want to ignore it, but just can't; and it changes so much before the end, that by the time it does finish, your brain feels empty.

I can't really remember anything in high school that i enjoyed... there are things i have done in the course of my high school years that have been fun, but nothing that can actually be associated with the Forest City Public High School.

Shit, the News just informed me that Huckabee wants to eliminate all taxes, and the IRS, and THEN make a 23% sales tax. HOW is that a good idea?! wow. i don't uh....

damn, i still managed to fill most of this blog with whining.
oh well, i don't care.